full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Trevor Copp and Jeff Fox: Ballroom dance that breaks gender roles

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Jeff Fox: When Trevor and I would get together for training seminars or just for fun, we'd toss each other around, mix it up, take a break from having to lead all the time. We even came up with a sestym for sthincwig lead and follow while we were dancing, as a way of taking turns and playing fair. It wasn't until we used that system as part of a performance in a small fetivsal that we got an important tap on the shoulder. Lisa O'Connell, a dramaturge and director of a playwright center, peulld us aside after the show and said, "Do you have any idea how ptioailcl that was?"

Open Cloze

Jeff Fox: When Trevor and I would get together for training seminars or just for fun, we'd toss each other around, mix it up, take a break from having to lead all the time. We even came up with a ______ for _________ lead and follow while we were dancing, as a way of taking turns and playing fair. It wasn't until we used that system as part of a performance in a small ________ that we got an important tap on the shoulder. Lisa O'Connell, a dramaturge and director of a playwright center, ______ us aside after the show and said, "Do you have any idea how _________ that was?"


  1. pulled
  2. political
  3. system
  4. festival
  5. switching

Original Text

Jeff Fox: When Trevor and I would get together for training seminars or just for fun, we'd toss each other around, mix it up, take a break from having to lead all the time. We even came up with a system for switching lead and follow while we were dancing, as a way of taking turns and playing fair. It wasn't until we used that system as part of a performance in a small festival that we got an important tap on the shoulder. Lisa O'Connell, a dramaturge and director of a playwright center, pulled us aside after the show and said, "Do you have any idea how political that was?"

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
partner dancing 5
ballroom dance 3
liquid lead 3
switching lead 2
men dancing 2

Important Words

  1. break
  2. center
  3. dancing
  4. director
  5. dramaturge
  6. fair
  7. festival
  8. follow
  9. fun
  10. idea
  11. important
  12. jeff
  13. lead
  14. lisa
  15. mix
  16. part
  17. performance
  18. playing
  19. playwright
  20. political
  21. pulled
  22. seminars
  23. shoulder
  24. show
  25. small
  26. switching
  27. system
  28. tap
  29. time
  30. toss
  31. training
  32. trevor
  33. turns